customer service

customer service

Friday, February 6, 2015

AHA Customer Service-You Giving it?

Earlier this week I into Lifeway Christian to pick up a book that had caught my eye.  As I checked out, the cashier kindly asked if I would like a bracelet, a bright yellow plastic band that had the words "AHA" inscribed upon it.  "Sure", I said, and absently forgot about it until I got home and took a closer look. The AHA actually stood for awakening, honesty and action. That spoke to me and put it on immediately to remind myself to stay focused on various goals I've sat for myself this year.  I thought this yellow band would be a fabulous reminder throughout the day. But then, I had an epiphany.

What if I, everyday, incorporated the "aha" thought process not only into being a reminder for my goals but for the customer service I give to my coaching clients and my real estate clients?  Would that change my business and help in achieving my goals? The answer was a resounding yes.

 "Awakening, honesty and action"; great steps and ideas to use for motivation in staying goal focused and especially in implementing for better customer service. Imagine embedding these three words into the customer service plan for your clients. Let's break that down and see what that looks like.

Awakening-the definition of awakening is "the act or moment of becoming aware of something". Sometimes we get so accustomed to doing our job we forget about the multi aspects of it and start to do it all by habit. I recently heard on a podcast that complacency happens when you begin to think that everything is good enough. Awaken yourself to your business and analyze what you can tweak, change, or do better for the client.  What can you improve upon? What new technology do you need?  What can you do more efficiently for the sake of client?  Re-awake and examine your business, especially the area of customer service and discover areas  that can be tailored around the client.

Honesty-this really shouldn't be hard if you're a true professional and you value yourself, your business and want referrals.  No one is going to refer a dishonest agent to friends or families.  But are you truly honest?  What if your client wants to list their home for way more than you know the market will bear?  Will you be honest and talk them about that or will you take the listing in hopes of getting buyer calls? If they need to make repairs in order to sell, do you tell them? If you get an offer that you feel could be iffy at best do you communicate that feeling?  It's all about being completely honest with them. And speaking of honesty, are you honest in accessing your business life? Are your really busy with business or busyness?  Implement honesty in your business plan,  personal life and your customer service and see a difference in your mindset and business.

Action-the other two are important but this is the one that will truly make a tremendous impact. Do you dream about doing something better within your business? You think about it but never get around to implementing it? Action is the step that has to happen to move forward.  What actions do you need to take for your clients to make their experience better?  What actions have to happen so that they feel valued and communicated with? What actions do you need to take in your business to push to the next level?

What are you doing today to give your clients and yourself an AHA moment in the way that you do business with them?

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