customer service

customer service

Monday, December 15, 2014

Is Customer Service in Your 2015 Business Plan?

It's that time of year again, the "wrap up the old year, get ready for a new one" time. You, like most other professionals, have probably figured out your successes for 2014, areas of improvement for 2015 and have made a list of goals that you want to strategically tackle to take your business to the next level.  Good for you! And for you slackers reading this who haven't done it, get on it after you read this fascinating blog post.

Whether you're tweaking your business plan over the next several days or actually finally getting it in writing, be sure and map out your customer service plan for the new year.  What are your doing for your clients, the ones who are getting you to where you want to be? The ones who either buy or sell with you, refer you business or help your business run more efficiently by providing great service to you?  What are doing to attract and reward new customers?  What are you doing to ensure repeat business from past clients?  What are you doing daily to give, maintain and demonstrate customer service?  

Whatever your plan is, put it in writing, communicate it with your staff and make sure they know what's expected.  Hold them accountable to giving the type of service you want associated with your name and brand.  And then track your results by the number of referrals you're given, the answer to "How'd you hear about us", or amount of repeat business you receive.  And new business, hopefully, will be derived as well.

Start your new year and your new business plan off right with an action plan for customer service and watch 2015 become your best year.

What do you plan to do to make customer service a priority for your business?  Comments are welcomed!